The new path has begun!
Wow I can not believe i left London almost 3 weeks ago! Lets hope that the next 3 years go by just as quickly. I decided it was time to do a big persons blog rather than bebo!! hehe! Although i still love bebo and will still play on there too.
Where do i begin??? Well i guess i will go from my last weekend in London - To begin with it all went pear shaped! I was enjoying my last friday getting all my bits and pieces to travel wondering around the shops when i realised that my wallet had been stolen from out of my bag while it was on my shoulder! I couldnt believe it!!! Why me? Why now? Unfortunately i had all my money in it, aswell as the usual things in a wallet!!! I sat with the security guy watching the security footage and you can actually see where it happend etc but the police didnt think it was a close enough view to be able to take it any further! Bugger! Ohwell i just had to cancel everything and rely on family and friends to help me get by! Still to this day as my Austudy hasnt come through yet!!!!! (thanks to all those who have helped me out)
Luckily the rest of my weekend was wonderful. I had such a good weekend laughing, dancing and drinking with my friends. Natalie and Janine took me out for lunch and tied balloons to my chair in the pub! hehe! So cute!
(My London Girls - Janine and Nat)
It was very surreal saying goodbye to my mates but i kept it together very well considering, that was until it came to the actual departure day. Leaving Aaron (my boyfriend) at Heathrow airport was just the most awful thing i have ever done - I cried all day, although my tears got me business class in the end coming from Singapore!! I wouldnt wish the emotions i was going through that day onto anyone - it was worse than breaking up! After a stop in Singapore that was long enough for me to visit the market and recieve a message from the year of the pig meaning of love (Do not sucumb to a third party. Lovers shall unite in the end) it was back on the plane and i landed in Melbourne.As I came out of the arrival doors i was welcomed home with a cheer from my family and friends holding up 'welcome home' signs. So lovely! (Me with my Dad at the airport when i arrived home)
We went for a drink and lunch and then i cam back to my sister Glenda's place to find Aaron sitting at the dining table!! hahaha! Well it wasn't the real Aaron just a replica! My brother in law Rick spent the night before putting him together and thought that having him at 'home' would make me feel better! Aww so sweet! He is still sitting at the table 3 weeks later although his head isnt quite connected to his body anymore! haha!(Bella wanted a picture with Uncle Aaron!! Bella is also the one who put the photo of me in Aaron's arms! Awwwww)
The jetlag hit me and i was asleep by about 6pm on my first night home! No rest for the wicked though, cause the very next day i was up and about and on my way to Torquey (the beach) with Mel. We stayed for a couple of nights and just enjoyed each others company. Eating fish & chips, haivng a cold beer in the pub and we went for a beautiful swim in the ocean with some beautiful looking creatures around us too!! hahaha! Such a nice couple of days especially as the temperature was in the mid 30's!
I then went to my mate Bryces housewarming party as since i have been in London he went and brought himself a house! It was another fun night but this time with a few too many glasses of wine!! But it was great to catch up with some more mates who i hadn't seen for a long time. The following day my family come together and i got to see my sister who is not far off having a bubs and my nephew who now towers over me!
Some familiar faces now.....
All this and i hadnt even been home a week.... but it didnt stop there... it was time for 'Orientation Week' at university. For those who dont know I got into Deakin Uni - Burwood, doing a double degree - Bachelor of Teaching (secondary) / Bachelor of Arts. During 'O' week I also had to audition for drama which was fine - The lecturers were impressed and even said to me that i shouldnt be in first year drama! Fingers crossed the units i have already completed at Uni 8 and 9 years ago will help me skip a few subjects. 'O' week brought back a lot of fun and crazy memories but this time I am not so young and into the partying aspect! I actually want to go and learn!! haha! So i turned down the offer of going on the 'Booze Cruise' and running in a funny race to win a slab of beer! haha! Oh boy i am getting old! Classes started this week and so far all has been great! I am majoring in drama and my other subjects are Psychology and Sociology aswell as an education based one. So i am living the life as a student which means one thing... No money!! Austudy payments havent started for me yet so until then it is just bread and water (just kidding - my family and friends have been looking after me very well!)
I had Mel's birthday last weekend. It was a nice relaxing evening BBQ and she is now officially older than me! hehe! But boy does the meat taste better in Australia compared to London!! Yummmm!
I went house hunting with Mum over the weekend too and as long as she gets her job transfer she has found a lovely house down near where my sister Tina lives. But we just have to hang in there and wait and see for the moment.(Me and my Mummy!)
Well that pretty much brings you up to date i think! It is my 28th birthday in a couple of days and i am looking forward to going out for a dance and a catch up with more of my friends. I am happy i have been kept really busy as it hasnt given me much of a chance to sit and think about Aaron too much. I miss him so much but so far i have only really had one off night. We chat on the phone every day, which is nice. SO we are just trying to make this situation work as best as it can.
So here i am in Oz! The new door has opened and i am taking my first steps down this new path... What's next????