Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My Sister Tina's Baby-Shower

Last weekend we decided to throw my sister Tina a surprise babyshower. Tina is about 2 weeks off having the baby and was insisting that she didn't want a babyshower but we gave her one anyway!!!! hehe! Bruce (Tina's partner) was in on it and ensured that Tina was home for us to surprise her.

(My sister Glenda, Mummy, Me & My sister Tina)

It was a lovely afternoon playing games like 'pin the dummy on the baby' - Glenda won, 'Guess the measurement around the belly' - it was a tie between Mum and Max (Bruce's son) and 'Draw the baby' which Bruce won. We had lots of laughs playing these games as you can see by all the pics below :)

(Tina 'pinning the dummy on the baby')

(Glenda - the winner of 'pin the dummy on the baby')

(Bruce joining in)

(Silly faces - Wooooooaaahhhhhh)

(Tina & Mummy)

(Measuring the baby-bump!)

(Tina's friend Jo measuring the baby bump)

(Max & Mum winning the baby bump measurement game)

(Bren - my nephew drawing the baby without looking)

(Brendan now having a laugh at his baby drawing)

(Tina judging the baby drawings)

(Bruce's drawing won)

It wouldn't be a babyshower without mum doing her needle & cotton determining the sex test! An old wives tale but mum swears by it. She not only did the test on Tina but on all of us! The needle didn't move over my tummy!! Wouldn't that be funny!!! For Tina the needle did big huge circles which means it's a girl. So we will see in the next few weeks how accurate the test is! A 50-50 chance anyway!! hehe!

(Mum with the needle & Thread test - Full circles so apparantly a girl!)

(Mum making sure that i am not expecting!! haha)

Tina got some beautiful gifts including a basket full of baby goodies, funky baby singlets & a gorgeous 'nappy cake' made by Glenda just to name a few.

(The nappy cake! You can't eat it - it's made out of nappies!)

(Going through her basket of goodies)

(Awwww how cute!)

(Bruce looking on - He eventually joined in!!)

All the best to Tina and her upcoming arrival of her new bubs! Not long to go now!!! My prediction is
it's a girl!

("We are family... I've got all my sisters with me" (& my mum) ... well Except for Debbie but she is with us in spirit as i was with everyone in spirit when i was in London!)


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