Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Isabella's VIP day at School

(Bella and I under her school banner)

Last week my niece Isabella invited me along to her school VIP day. So i took the morning off uni and had Bella hold my hand showing me all around her school. Bella is in prep (reception for all you english folk reading this!) so she felt very proud of her school.

She showed me her classroom, where she sits and where she hangs her bag.

(Bella's school bag spot!)

(Bella's chair in her classroom)

Bella then went on to show me how clever she is on the classroom computers. For a 5 year old she certainly knows what she is doing! In fact i think she could teach my mum how to use it!! hehe!

(Computer fun)

(More fun on the computers)

(Bella is very clever on the computer)

As we were walking around the school Bella introduced me to her Year 6 Buddy Michaela. She loves having Michaela as a buddy and they do all kinds of fun things together.

(Bella with her Year 6 Buddy Michaela)

Isabella showed me the sports hall, the art room, the computer room and also the library. She even showed me the section where she borrows her books from :)

(Books in the library)

Finally Bella introduced me to her teacher. She was very sweet and Bella loves her teacher very much.
(Miss Mitchell - Bella's Prep teacher)

Once the tour around the school finished it was time for the school concert on the outdoor stage. It was a very warm morning so it was nice to sit out in the sun and watch all the kids do their show. It ranged from musical instruments to dancing and singing. It was a lovely morning which was followed by morning tea.

(Me with the girls under the school banner)

It was very nice and i felt very special to be apart of Isabella's special day. She is growing up so quickly but continues to be an adorable little girl.


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